(Text Editor)
In casse either you cant find the suggested apps or if you dont have google play installed.
Q: Why shoud I (being you the visitor) donate?
I dont want to sound like a sob story but, currently I'm going to a communitty college, then a university to get a degree in software reverse engineering. I'm working part-time and living with may parents to help save on expenses. I spend a lot of my money on my old Buick Lesabre from '05 to afford gas and even going to work. By donating youll do a majority of 5, things.
1. Help me afford college (tust me every anything helps).
2. Allow me to accomplish my dreams
3. Put hope in myself knowing that at least someone liked what I did
4. It gives a goal to some of my projects
5. I can sleep easier at night since I won't be so desperate for looking for another job.
Q: What API am I using to retrive the data?
A: Prasehub, its nice and easy to use so yep.
Q: Why are you hosting this on github?
A: I belive in developers being transparent as possible so to keep to my word Im posting both the API source code and this web pages source incase anyone can/wants to learn from this and use this.
Q: Why did you make this?
A: I needed somthing to take my mind away from college exams and somthing that challenged me since I've never finished a project that required coding regularly.
Q: Whats your mob code?
A: "DEViANCE" without the quotes. I'm pretty small but hopefully with this will let new players mob up faster to catch up with some of the older players.
Q: Whats the background image youre using?
A: Go to the github page for this project look up "gangster_painting-2560x1600.jpg" you'll probably find it pretty quick and credits to whoever made it also as I dont own it and will never claim to.